Board & Committees
The Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board (FRWDB) takes very seriously the responsibility of serving as a steward of public funds and deploying federal, state and local resources into workforce development programs that will have the greatest impact on our region.
Board of Directors & Committees
Oversight and funding direction is provided by the FRWDB Executive Committee. Additionally, two councils and one committee report to the FRWDB and make program and funding recommendations: the Adult Council, Youth Council and the Skills Development Council.
Our board and committee members are community leaders and include City and County elected officials, as well as representatives from business, organized labor, education, economic development, community organizations and other entities.
Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board
- Receive input and recommendations from the Adult Council, Youth Council, Business and Industry Committee, and Executive Committee.
- Members represent our entire region: businesses, organized labor, education, community based organizations, economic development, One-Stop partners, Board of Supervisors, City of Fresno and leaders/advocates for workforce development.
- Strengthen our partnership with all stakeholders to address the workforce needs of our region.
Board Chair, First and Second and Vice Chairs
- Edgar Blunt, Chief Executive Officer, IMAGO
- Stephen A. Avila, Plant Manager, Trillium Flow Technologies
- Alisha Morgan, Human Resources Director, Kaiser Permanente
Board Members
- Shayn Anderson, Regional Director, State of California Department of Rehabilitation
- Lenora Lacy Barnes, State Center of Federation of Teachers
- Alysia Bonner, President, Service Employees International Union Local 521
- Rodney Branch, Principal, Fresno Adult School
- Douglas Dart, Owner, Dart Realty
- Luis Chavez, Supervisor, Fresno County Board of Supervisors
- Christina Garza, Central Valley Region Deputy Division Chief, Employment Development Department
- Carole Goldsmith, Chancellor, State Center Community College District
- Jeffrey Hensley, Owner, Hensley Associates
- Kurt Madden, CEO, Career Nexus
- Tyler Maxwell, Council Member, Fresno City Council
- Wyatt Meadows, District Representative, Operating Engineers Local 3
- Terry Metters Jr., Regional Manager – Lean Management, Pacific Gas & Electric Company
- Scott Miller, Owner/CEO, Gazebo Gardens, Inc.
- Dennis Montalbano, Owner/CEO, German Auto Repair
- Joe Olivares, Marketing Director, TransAmerica
- Chuck Riojas, Fresno, Madera, Tulare, Kings Building Trades Council
- Vasili Sotiropulos, Hyatt Real Estate
- Sandra Vicente, Market President Central Valley, BMO Harris Bank
- Lydia Zabrycki, Vice President Client Engagement, CAPTRUST
- Chris Zeitz, Director of Special Projects, Fresno County Economic Development Corporation
Executive Committee
- As a Joint Powers Authority between the City of Fresno and the County of Fresno this board is a community partnership.
- Members include the FRWDB Chair and Vice Chair, one County Supervisor, one City Council member, one at-large member from Fresno City appointees, one at-large member from Fresno County appointees, and the appointed Chairs of the Adult Council, Youth Council, and Business and Industry Committee.
- In collaboration with the FRWDB, decides on funding decisions and programmatic priority.
- Determines workforce strategy, objectives and priorities based upon regional needs and impact.
- Meetings are open to the public.
Committee Chair, First and Second Vice Chairs
- Edgar Blunt, Chief Executive Officer, IMAGO
- Stephen A. Avila, Plant Manager, Trillium Flow Technologies
- Alisha Morgan, Human Resources Director, Kaiser Permanente
Committee Members
- Rodney Branch, Principal, Fresno Adult School
- Luis Chavez, Supervisor, Fresno County Board of Supervisors
- Carole Goldsmith, Chancellor, State Center Community College District
- Tyler Maxwell, Council Member, Fresno City Council
- Dennis Montalbano, Owner/CEO, German Auto Repair
- Chuck Riojas, Fresno, Madera, Tulare, Kings Building Trades Council
- Vasili Sotiropulos, Hyatt Real Estate
- Lydia Zabrycki, Vice President Client Engagement, CAPTRUST
- Ken Price (Counsel)
Adult Council
The Adult Council provides governance to WIOA-funded Adult Programs that includes system design, procurement and oversight of contracted providers of adult services and to ensure that the One-Stop system leverages and coordinates all available resources to focus on the needs of job seekers and employers. The Adult Council reports to the FRWDB.
- Serve as a subcommittee to the FRWDB, the Adult Council forwards for approval program funding and policy recommendations;
- Review and assess performance and activities of the local workforce system including oversight of the One-Stop system;
- Review and approves eligible providers of WIOA funded training services;
- Support and provides oversight of all local and regional workforce investment initiatives.
Council Chair
- Chuck Riojas, Fresno, Madera, Tulare, Kings Building Trades Council
Council Members
- Wyatt Meadows, District Representative, Operating Engineers Local 3
- Joe Olivares, Marketing Director, TransAmerica
- Sherri Watkins, Executive Director, State Center Adult Education Consortium
Youth Council
The Youth Council is the primary body addressing youth concerns under the WIOA that includes system design, procurement and oversight of contracted providers of youth services, and ensures that the system leverages, coordinates and integrates all available resources to effectively focus on the needs of youth in Fresno County.
The Youth Council reports to the FRWDB.
- Utilize our “Academic Excellence” model to equip youth with the necessary tools to compete in the job market.
- Engage local employers committed to preparing our future workforce.
- Develop partnerships and leverage resources for programming that includes a career pathway strategy to improve youth career and academic readiness.
Council Chair
- Vasili Sotiropulos, Hyatt Real Estate
Council Members
- Alysia Bonner, President, Service Employees International Union Local 521
- Natalie Dodson, Director of Community Development, California Teaching Fellows Foundation
- Katherine Martindale, Program Manager, Department of Social Services, Child Welfare
- Terry Metters, Jr., Division Supervisor – Service Planning & Design, Pacific Gas & Electric Company
- Michelle Tutunjian, Sanctuary Director, Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission Sanctuary
- Rick Watson, Ed.D. – CEO, CART
Skills Development Council
Committee Chair
- Lydia Zabrycki, Vice President Client Engagement, CAPTRUST
Committee Members
- Stephen Avila, Operations Manager, Grundfos Pumps Corporation
- Douglas Dart, Owner, Dart Realty
- Jeffrey Hensley, Owner, Hensley Associates
- Scott Miller, Owner/CEO, Gazebo Gardens, Inc.
- Joe Olivares, Marketing Director, TransAmerica
- Sandra Vicente, Market President Central Valley, BMO Harris Bank
- Chris Zeitz, Director of Special Projects, Fresno County Economic Development Corporation